Asbestos survey inspections are an important part of managing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in buildings. Regular reinspections help to ensure that any changes in the condition of ACMs are identified and addressed, which is crucial for protecting the health and safety of the building's occupants.
Once a survey has been performed and approved within TEAMS, the data and ACM records are available in the system for future reference.
Booking a reinspection on TEAMS
When booking a site for reinspection, the system will automatically retrieve the previous site information and present this to the scheduler so they can quickly and efficiently select which areas and items should be reinspected.
Selecting historic data
Once the appointment has been booked, the appointment can be downloaded onto the tablet and will appear in the mobile diary screen. From here, the previous data selected at appointment stage can be downloaded onto to the surveyor's tablet.
Once the data is on the tablet, the surveyor can start the survey as normal.

Downloading historic data
When the surveyor comes to the buildings screen, the tablet will present any/all buildings that were downloaded and give the surveyor the ability to add in a building to reinspect. This is done with a simple tap of the building itself.
Adding previous floors, rooms and items
Once the building has been added to the job, the surveyor can add floors, rooms and items recorded during previous visits, with a simple tap on the tablet.
Along with visual hints and colour-coding to make the experience easier for the surveyors, shortcut options can be used when adding in room structures, to allow the surveyor to request that all positive, presumed and/or inaccessible items are added to the room automatically when the room is created.
Overall, the ability to undertake reinspections within TEAMS can be a powerful tool for managing asbestos and ensuring that ACMs are properly monitored and managed over time. By using TEAMS to streamline the process, organisations can save time, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.