Integrated Data Transfer

The TEAMS surveying module utilises an integrated data transfer to transfer job and site-specific information from the TEAMS system to the tablets used by your team of surveyors.

To ensure the safety and security of your data, the integrated data transfer uses the HTTPS protocol, and all traffic is SSL encrypted.

Reinspection Data Selection

More than just jobs

The integrated data transfer not only transfers job and site details between the TEAMS system and surveyors' tablets, but it can also convey other crucial information such as equipment availability for each job, upcoming appointments for individual surveyors, and the standard operating procedures of your consultancy.

Additionally, in the event of return visits to sites, important details like the existing building structure (including all floors, rooms, and items within rooms) are transmitted to surveyors' tablets. This enables them to quickly update the status of existing items and add new floors, rooms, and items to the building record.

Reinspection Data Selection

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